Order Plans Information

House plans include 8 working sets of plans in blueprint form including:

                   Floor plan(s) 1/4" scale
                   Exterior elevations 1/4" scale ( all elevations )
                   Foundation plan 1/4" scale
                   Roof plan ( if Req. )

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House Plan Prices
The following prices are valid through July 2000
Plans 0000 - 2200 square feet ( size 1 ) $ 350.00               8 sets of plans
Plans 2201 - 3800 square feet ( size 2 ) $ 450.00               8 sets of plans
Plans 3801 - 5000 square feet ( size 3 ) $ 550.00                8 sets of plans
Vellum Sepias $ 100.00 plus plan price
Mylar Sepias $ 150.00 plus plan price
P.L.T. File (plot files) $ 50.00 plus plan price
Extra sets $10.00 per set
Later Orders 3 sets min.
Custom plot plans $45.00 per hour
Line Art $45.00

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Site created by Tim L Carver
©Copyright TLC Designers Inc, 1999.
Last revised: October 10, 2005.