Print on 8.1/2"x14" paper
Name ___________________________________________________________
Company Name (if Applicable) _________________________________________
City __________________________State__________________Zip__________
Telephone Number (____) _____ - _________ Fax (____) _____ - _________
E-mail Address ___________________________________________________

Plan Number ___________

Check here if you want them Reversed Reading ( letter appears backwards) _____
Plans 0000 - 2200 square feet ( size 1 ) $350.00
Plans 2201 - 3800 square feet
( size 2 ) $450.00
Plans 3801 - 9999 square feet
( size 3 ) $550.00
$ _______________
Reversed Plans (True Right Reading) $75.00 plus plan price
(Letters appear Right Reading but the plan is Reversed)
$ _______________
Vellum sepias $100.00 plus plan price $ _______________
Mylar sepias $150.00 plus plan price $ _______________
Extra Sets $ 10.00 per set --No of extra Sets _______
5 Sets of plans are include, later orders & additional sets $10.00
$ _______________
Catalogs $ 10.00 per book (40 plans per book)--Catalog No
$ _______________
Line Art $35.00 $ _______________
Regular Service $10.00
Federal Express 2 day Service $40.00
Plan Books $2.00 each book
$ _________________
Total $ _________________
Most Citys/Countys do not require an Architect's/Engineer's stamp, T.L.C. Designers plans do not carry an Architect's/Engineer's stamp you may need to obtain an Architect's/Engineer's stamp to comply with local codes
Please make payment by check, draft or money order.
( make checks payable to Tim Carver )

Mail This page with check or money order to:      
T.L.C. Designers Inc.
3252 Camens Way
Buford GA 30519

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Site created by Tim L Carver
©Copyright TLC Designers Inc, 1999.
Last revised: October 10, 2005.